Our Company was founded by my Grandfather,
Harry H. Long In 1917. Pictured here with
my Grandma Alice Long. My Grandfather passed
away in 1948 and the Company was run by my
Grandma until 1990.
When Grandpa left home he was given a
horse and wagon. Soon after he started his
baggage transfer service he was able to get
a truck. Because of his age he had to put
everything in his dad's name (Richard) R.
Soon his fleet grew to 3 trucks. At the
time a stake truck was the only type available.

If there was a need to haul something,
Grandpa was able to help.
The first tractor used was a 1933 General
Motors Truck. He was at that time an agent
for United Van Service Inc, known today as
United Van Lines. The trailer dolly legs
in those days didn’t crank up and down like
they do today. You had to pull them out with
the tractor when dropping.
The Oneida Truck used in the early days
was locally built in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
John R. Long Sr. played an active roll from
1990 – 1999 as 2nd generation owner and President.
The trailer started to get longer as people
moved longer distances. As the fleet started
to grow they began to number the equipment.
This was B-101.
Open top trucks were part of his fleet
in the early years. Mostly for loads loaded
with cranes or oversized loads.
Even in the early days of moving we were
part of International moves. Notice on the
trailer is says World Wide Moving.
As the long distance moves became a larger
part of the operation, Grandpa became an
agent for North American Van Lines. We remained
an agent until we discontinued the moving
service from our business in the 1970’s.
In conjunction to moving there was a need
for storage. Here is one of the early warehouses.
Since it was mostly household items, fire
proof warehousing was critical.
As an agent for North American Van Lines,
Grandma attended many conventions. Here she
is pictured with her sons. From left to right
John, Jerry, Keith, and Donald. There were
8 kids in the family and not all were part
of the business.
At the time there were more RR ramps open
in Wisconsin that we serviced. Used tractors
were adequate for our needs at the time.
This was the final stages of taking our
old tractors out of service as the last new
tractors were delivered to take there place.
This was a defining moment in time when
we made the commitment to move from used
tractors to all new equipment. Here our fleet
was less than 4 years old. A true sign of
committing to invest in the future of our
family name and family business.
John R. Long Sr. with fleet in 1998 after
receiving the last new tractor needed to
replace the older equipment.
We moved into our present facility in
2001. Between 1993 and 1999 we focused more
and more on Intermodal. As the demand for
more Intermodal services grew, we eliminated
other parts of our operation. Today we focus
on our International Intermodal Customers
and their needs.
In 2010, two sons of Harry H. Long - on
left Donald (82) and on the right Jerry (79)
- looking at old photos.
Donald & Jerry looking at a picture of
their dad and his first truck.
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